How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to be a Human Behaviour and Human Potential expert? 

For the last 10 + years I have been focusing consistently in this area but I have been in the business of human behaviour and personal development almost since I started working. 

I’ve been fascinated for years about personal development, self-governance, and the ability of human will to be greater than we know. I have wanted to know what we are really connected to and how we can maximize that. I wanted to know what was going on even in the moments that I felt the ‘world’ was against me, and why some people are happy to settle and others like me are not. 

When I was a Registered Nurse many years ago I saw the harsh realities of a system that is focused on the quick fix and not looking at the underlying cause of why things go wrong. We don’t realize how powerful our perceptions are. They have the power to create alignment and expansion as well as create disturbances in our energetic and biological systems. This interference of chaos and stress can block us from realising that we are powerful beyond measure when we create and live according to the laws of the universe. I think this leaves us with an incredible opportunity to explore more of who we really are. 

More than 10 years ago, I experienced first-hand the disempowering and disabling effects of emotion (energy in motion) when a member of my family was very ill. I was an emotional wreck. Trying to keep it all together for everyone but very scared, intimidated, as well as very frustrated and angry when the advice we were given by all the experts wasn’t making a difference. My family was looking to me to have all the answers and I couldn’t seem to find any. 

That was, until I came across a proven and scientific methodology that I still use today. When I began to apply this to my situation, something locked into place and in that moment my mind cleared and I could see the exact steps ahead of us to take. It was amazing after all we had been through. The clarity and certainty was there and had been all along...I just couldn’t see it because I was stuck in an emotional roller coaster of trying to think positive and keep everything moving when my world was in absolute chaos. It was a powerful moment for me because it ultimately became the moment that I knew exactly what to do, what the best next steps were, even if it meant we would have to turn our back on a system that wasn’t working. It also became a moment when I knew the power of believing in myself and trusting my intuition. 

By bringing balance and harmony back into my thoughts, my belief increased and I stopped doubting myself. The overwhelming clarity bought poise around making a massive decision. We already know what to do, we just cloud our own vision with disempowering emotional responses that block us from seeing this wisdom. 

I decided to train and certify in this process as I realized how wise it is and how it creates so much certainty in my life and in those that I use it with. Its taking mindset to a whole new level. And when we do that, people like you and me not only know better but do better, other big thinkers and leaders and visionaries (and sometime catalysts) that have temporarily got in their own way and are struggling to move forward know how to remove the blocks and stuckness that have kept them playing small.

I have worked with hundreds of people over thousands of hours, as well as taught workshops, taken people through personal and group programmes, spoken to small and large groups, as well as created the Remarkable Life Programme to help do this. 

Who are your clients exactly? 

I generally work with people that are managing responsibility either in their own businesses or have a team of people that they are responsible for either at work or home. My clients are really good at what they do but there is big but in the way of them moving forward. Usually their own! Some of the tactics and strategies that they have used in the past don’t seem to be as effective any more or they thought they had dealt with things already. They know what they want but it seems to elude them. 

What happens if you haven’t yet worked with people in my field? 

Everyone no matter what industry they are in has times when their emotions get the better of them. They feel disempowered, frustrated, overwhelmed or insignificant in some way and this is affecting the way that they run their lives and in some cases their businesses.  When we actually focus on the things in the way - the blocks, the obstacles, stress, the relationships and anything that is causing your life to be less that you would like things canchange fast. I have worked with many clients in a wide scope of private practice and “independent” as well as corporate industries. 

How are you different from other “personal and business coaches?” 

I bring an extremely fresh perspective to their lives with complex but easy to understand universal truths that are applicable immediately. This opens up many resources they’ve never heard of. Because of this they find that they can move forward quickly and effortlessly often from quite devastating  circumstances.

Concentrating in the field of Human Behaviour and Human Potential, I find human behaviour and mindset goes hand in hand  and affects everything we do or don’t do. I help you to step beyond the ordinary so you can access more of your own uniqueness. I can help you find out why you do what you do and why the same results (or lack of them) keep happening. Everyone has times when their emotions and disempowered thinking is running their lives. Their past relationships or experiences are still influencing and driving future results, which means you are reacting to life based on the past rather than responding and focusing on what you want. So I focus on blocks, obstacles, stress, and everything in the way of you achieving what you want. I will interrupt the thoughts that are keeping you stuck and we bring your attention to what is really going on. 

What that means to you is that I am very focused on anything and everything that works for you or gets in your way. What you get with me is no-nonsense undiluted expertise on what works in mindset and personal evolvement. That’s why my clients, groups and customers get great results (and I throw in a healthy dose of big picture thinking, empathy, humour and encouragement, which ALWAYS helps!) 

You are powerful beyond measure and everything is all about you, so we release you from feeling and acting like everyone else with the techniques we employ. 

What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me? 

These Remarkable products, programmes and workshops were created for people who are excited and serious about getting more meaning and fulfilment, clarity and momentum in their lives. They have committed to not being held back by their own limiting beliefs. They were created for you to put systems in place relatively quickly, which will lead you to creating the life you want with the ability to have clarity, certainty and calm in your life.

Being a high achieving go-getter myself, I’m known to work best with other high achieving go- getters who are super-ready to begin and just want to know exactly what steps to take. 

It’s time for no more excuses, just a very different way of thinking as well as full support while you achieve the goals you have set for yourself.  

For what type of professional is this program NOT going to work for?

The Remarkable programs are NOT for those who don’t see the value in investing in themselves and are only looking for a quick fix – (it’s too easy to slip back into old habits), continuing the status–quo. 

If you fall within this category, it’s absolutely OK. Sometimes it takes a while to realize the importance of investing in you. And we have all been there when sometimes other things have to take priority. Do yourself a favour – 3 favours actually -  to get ready for this level of transformation.

If you are not ready to invest or can’t afford to right now then there are so many amazing resources out there, so I encourage you to: 

·     Sign up for the free tools and newsletter on the website

·     Dip your toe into one of my group workshops if the bigger programmes are not for you right now at 

·     Make a point to listen to my podcast These will give you a plenty of things to think about and even take some action on as you listen to me interview women who are just a few steps in front of where you are.

Another type of person I won’t work with (without exception) is the whiner or the chronic sceptic, as well as individuals who challenge every aspect of the programme. What’s the point? If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. 

What exactly is The Remarkable Life Programme and what does it include? 

Attracting a life you want begins with understanding the most important person in your life – YOU! All the things that have influenced you over the course of your life have been both a benefit and a drawback to you. As we grow and mature we want things from life that we suddenly think are beyond us, or we feel we don’t deserve them as we have been focused on everyone else, so now we turn the attention on you - the most Remarkable person in your life. The Remarkable Life Programme is a 10 Step process that highlights who you are really are and how to get to where you want to be, and most importantly gives you the tools on how to dissolve the things in the way - no matter what the challenge may be. 

Here’s an over view of what the Remarkable Life includes: 

1. The Calibration – our starting point 

2. The Principles of Universal Law and energy

3. Energetic impact of your thoughts – what imbalanced perceptions really do

4. Values - Your very own spiritual fingerprints. 

5. MVPW – Clarity and Certainty on What why and who you are really.

6. The Balance Techniques – techniques to efficiently and effectively move you forward

7. Self-first & Self Worth – Setting the internal barometer high

8. Sacred Keys – The most powerful force in the world

9. Creativity and Innovation – thinking big and manifesting it

10. Mastery and Self- governance – The ultimate tool in any business or life. The ability to master anything you are challenged with.

The Remarkable Life Programme is now in place. You will know exactly what to do and how to up-level at any time in your career, your life, your health and ultimately your wellness. You will not only know how to have the relationships that you want in life, you will also have clarity to make decisions, and activate the steps that will get you into momentum. 

In addition to these 10 steps you will learn plenty of things to help you manage yourself on your beautiful journey called Life. The result: You can now create a life you want and a life you love. 

Does this really work? 

Yes! The result of our work is an approach to life and any challenges you face that over time and with your dedication, works consistently and exponentially to create a Remarkable life. 

What results can I expect? 

You can expect to: 

·     Improve your relationships with those around you 

·     Prioritise more effectively, and make those tough decisions with clarity and confidence instead of fear and self-doubt. 

·     Develop a better understanding of Human Behaviour, so you can fine tune your communication skills, improve and influence outcomes 

·     Gain a balanced outlook on the things in your life that are overwhelming. Regain focus on the things that are truly important to you 

·     Learn how to resolve personal and professional challenges in a positive manner

·     Get unstuck and reconnect to your creative and leadership abilities 

·     Achieve momentum in your life by using the challenges or confrontations 

·     instead of avoiding them 

·     Change your perspective on life, so you react differently to the events 

·     and people around you 

·     Push creativity and innovation 

·     Increase your confidence and clarity 

·     Gain personal leadership qualities that will influence your surroundings. 

·     Know how to access what you want and get it. Your mindset is a valuable key to life.

How quickly can I expect results? 

Obviously, this depends on how committed you are  and how much you put into achieving what you want. That said, virtually all clients see results quickly in changing perceptions and perspectives on relationships and things they had previously been worried about. This opens up more focus, clarity and effectiveness. It’s easy to fall back into old habits so we work with you to instill a new way to view the world. By the end of our sessions together you will be more empowered in all areas of your life. 

Will I recover the investment I put into this coaching program? 

Let me ask you - how much is it costing you to stay stuck or to keep making the same mistakes over again? How much is it costing you to feel like you lack purpose, stay in a disempowering or unhappy situation, or make everyone a priority above you? If you have only just started doing that then maybe not much but good on you for recognizing the pattern. If this is a habit that is now well ingrained and you are coming up against the same blocks over and over, then it’s probably a great deal more. 

If you were to put a monetary value on the outcomes you want, but are not achieving you would see that YOU are the most worthy investment you can make. That is usually what it comes down to – worthiness - and the fact that if you  could have done it on your own you already would have. Question whether you will take yourself seriously enough to create the transformation that you are looking for. This investment is in YOUR own personal development and potential. You have it for a lifetime. You are definitely worth it. 

So I would say absolutely! I want you to stop reading for just one moment to ask yourself, “What is knowing what’s important to me and how to get it and how to transform my negativity worth to me”? Chances are, that amount will more than cover your coaching investment. 

Tim Ferris in his latest book “Tools for Titans” recounts an interview talking with Tony Robbins repeating what Warren Buffett said about learning something new: 

“Investing in yourself in the most important investment you’ll ever make in your life...There’s no financial investment that’ll ever match it, because if you develop more skill, more ability, more insight, more capacity, that’s what’s going to really provide economic freedom.... It’s those skill sets that really make that happen” 

What are my options for getting started with you? 

To get started with attracting and creating the life you want here are the different programs and products I’ve created for you: 

1.The Remarkable Life 

For the high achiever and go-getter The Remarkable Life Method is delivered privately 1:1 over a 6-month period, It’s the advanced formula for reaching your goals and creating a life you love, transcending any challenge you face now and in the future. It is the ultimate investment in your own Remarkable life. Included in this programme are our regular Q&A calls and sessions, as well in the moment challenge calls, PDF’s of valuable resources and strategies at each step, complimentary attendance at our workshops, the all-important accountability and more. This is delivered in person at my consulting room in Parnell, Auckland or else online through Skype or Zoom globally. 

2.The Remarkable Edge 

This is a 3-month programme where we literally focus on up-levelling as soon as possible. This includes weekly 1:1 sessions for the first month and then 3 sessions per month plus accountability and more. This can be fast tracked if you would like. This is delivered in person at my consulting room in Parnell, Auckland or else online through Skype or Zoom globally. 

3.Remarkably urgent & important 

Urgent attention is required. It’s like there is a giant boulder in your way that you need to break down and move out of your way. You may have to make a big decision, or it could be a break up, a major communication rift you need to sort, or even a grief you need to clear – Whatever it is needs to shift and shift fast. It’s time to stop, repair and redirect. You choose the frequency whether it happens in one day, one week, 2 weeks or over 4 weeks. Generally when things need to shift you want them to shift fast. 

This is by application only.


The Mindset Breakthrough– The Art and Science of Being You

In just 1 intense and rewarding day with me and a group of other high-achieving go- getters, you’ll shift the way you perceive a challenging person or event, you will change your perceptions so the way you experience your reality will change and you will dissolve what’s been creating havoc in your life or what’s in the way of up- levelling this year. It can simply be a day to appreciate you. You will respond differently, be able to manage your emotions and perceptions and see a compelling future ahead for yourself. 

The Mind Spa- How to have the wisdom of aging without the aging process. 

This is an informative introduction to Universal concepts that influence every part of our lives. This is also a day all about revealing to you your inner beauty and connectness with everything around you. It’s time to exfoliate past events and stale thinking so you can expand your thinking and being in your life. 

5. VIP One - Day Intensives 

High-achieving go-getters who want to move extraordinarily fast in building their dream life and business can also contact me to apply for the Remarkable VIP Private Consulting Day. We’ll spend a whole or half day in-person strategizing ways to achieve a higher quality of life, dissolving stress, which will unlock the creativity and inspiration needed to create more in your life. For more details email my team at for an application. 

OK, so for people that are ready to get started I imagine the first step is to have a get acquainted call with you? 

Yes I like to talk to anyone interested in working with me on a 30min get acquainted call, where I can find out more about you and the things that you would like to work on. You can contact me through my website or by email or phone + 64 21 875 131. Alternatively you can schedule a call to talk to me. We’ll be happy to walk you through the different options and see what suits you best. I can’t wait for you to succeed and shine and I am so grateful to be the one to help you. 

Do you accept credit cards? 

We accept credit cards. We get that up-levelling is as much of a leap of intent as it is a financial leap. We accept credit cards to make it more convenient. 

It sounds like you offer some pretty remarkable stuff. I imagine there are a lot of people that want to work with you. But, if they’re not ready just yet how can they get to know you and sample your work? 

1. A way to sample my work is by subscribing to my email newsletter and the blog on my website. The newsletter provides you with proven tips, tools and techniques to create a Remarkable life for yourself and those you love. Subscribe here: 

2. Another way is to listen in to my weekly podcast Remarkable Women Radio at - you will hear me interview some Remarkable Women from New Zealand and around the world. 

3. On my website I list any workshops that come up throughout the year. Click here for more details: 

Ready to schedule a call? 

Excellent, I can’t wait to meet you. Email the link and let’s schedule a get acquainted call. Allow 30mins for us to talk. I’m looking forward to speaking with you.