On Remarkable Women Radio today, we talk to Jo Douglas an Employment lawyer from Douglas Erickson http://www.douglaserickson.co.nz 

For those of you who have more issues than your favourite magazine at work, you need to meet Jo.

Her consultations are to add value in the workplace and to help iron out issues before they become issues.

How we work and interact with each other is changing significantly in the workplace, and getting Jo’s perspective on these changes has been eye opening.

We talk about how Jo and her team stay updated with all the new changes, so they can keep clients informed as to how to navigate increasingly complex decisions in the workplace.. As  government mandates change they have to be able to give advice about some very charged issues - exactly like we are seeing in the workplace at the moment. 

We spend so much time in the workplace (including our homes which have become multi- faceted workplaces in Covid times), so it’s important to have a clear and respectful working environment as well as the ability to manage ourselves through any emotional times. And let’s face it, problems at work can become very emotional. 

Juggling motherhood and a busy career we talk to Jo about how she works best and for Jo that usually means  focusing on one thing at a time. She finds it so much easier to be able to work through to a solution. Multi tasking doesn’t work very well for Jo’s line of business. ( I would go as far to say for most of us it doesn’t  work that well.)   These days we are overloaded with information and it is so important to switch off for a period of time to settle the mind. 

I love what she says - that being a lawyer is not about knowing everything! It’s about finding solutions and problem solving.

Advising clients on some highly charged scenarios Jo brings heart to all issues that are placed in front of her and finds real solutions that work. Not easy when emotions are elevated. As Jo says in our interview it’s better to iron out issues before they become issues. Great advice in any area of life. 

On that note, listen in…